Friday, October 26, 2012


With no Monday midterm to prepare for, Stephen has found himself with a little extra time on his hands this week (Though studying, he still does constantly. Like, right now). Thus, date night. Or four. And date night number two was last night... We went to a Timeflies concert!

While searching for new study tunes last year when we were living in Anchorage, Stephen came across Timeflies; two new artists from the East Coast. Really, I have no idea how to describe their music because they do a little bit of everything. Rap, freestyle, singing, techno, slow, remix, original, acoustic, steel drums, Disney songs... Hey, I said everything. Seattle was their first West Coast gig and I thought it went very well :) It was a small (which I liked) and gross (which I didn't like) venue, but the energy and music were awesome! When I saw on Facebook they were coming to Seattle, I ran into the study, pulled out Stephen's headphones and told him that we had to go! He listens to them all day, every day while studying, I wanted him to be able to see them in concert before they head back to the East Coast and never show their faces in this rain again! ;) So we bought the tickets and made it a date! I was a little nervous about going to a concert pregnant, I didn't want to piss baby off with so much loud noise, nor did I want to get weird questionable stares. Yes, I'm pregnant. Yes, I'm at a techno concert. I wore a shirt that hid my bump (somewhat) and found myself covering my belly with my hands as if to cover Uriah's ears, but I got no stares and baby didn't seem to mind the noise! Double yay!

Though date night with Stephen and Cal (the lead singer, whom we both have a crush on) will be hard to top, I'm still looking forward to date night number three. Which includes cuddling, chocolate milk, Pride and Prejudice, and starts in about five minutes...

Oh, to the drunk brunette who stroked my husband's arm and pinched his back and then told me he wasn't interested in her because he's only into girls who put out... Obviously. How do you think I got pregnant?! ;)

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