Thursday, September 13, 2018

month ten

Size: Yup, still haven't made that nine month appointment yet...oops! Judah is still evidently tall and still less chubby than his siblings were, but I have no doubt he is healthy and growing! Wearing size 4 diapers and 6-12/9-12 month clothes. 

Eat: Eating solids about 3 times a day and snacking whenever I'm in the kitchen ;) Feeds himself finger foods from his highchair and still looooves to eat! He doesn't turn away much but he has consistently disliked broccoli. Banana, berries, applesauce, carrots, peas, hummus, Cheerios and sweet potato have been favorite staples of his. He is still nursing about 5 times a day as well. Not planning on weaning away our sweet snuggles anytime soon! 

Teeth: Judah's fingers are always in his mouth and his chin and neck and shirt are always covered in drool! Basically, he's been teething since March! He officially has 8 teeth that have broken skin, 4 on top and 4 on bottom, but his top ones have really been taking their time coming in - poor guy! 

Sleep: Judah hasn't been sleeping through the night since shortly after our move. We traveled some and had visitors staying and rotations for Stephen that didn't allow us to let him cry it out, so it's understandable, but exhausting. He's been waking (and nursing) 1-3 times a night. He goes back down like a champ, so I'm not out of bed with him for long, but still...! It could also be teething troubles or transitioning to more solids and less nursing has him hungry in the middle of the night...? It's hard to tell. I think we've got it just about figured out though - he's been sleeping longer stretches and our schedule allows us to give him some time to work himself back to sleep now. He goes down to bed around 7 and is up for the day around 7, taking at least 2 naps during the day. 

Milestones: I really thought we'd have a 9 month walker! Standing unassisted, taking little steps, squatting down and standing back up, walking with just our finger... He's busy and on the move! He signs "nurse", gives kisses and loves, plays peek-a-boo with his blankey, understand and heeds our "no no", feeds himself, says "dada" and "momma" (not frequently yet but we're working on it!) I am totally biased but he seems pretty dang smart and talented to me! ;)

Likes: Judah recognizes and loves his blankey! He loves his dada and lights up when Stephen comes home from work. He loves to play with Legos and hotwheels cars, splash in the water, put things in something just to take them out, particularly our matching game tokens, wreck Magna Tile creations and walk with his walker (he loves his walker!) He loves to play chase around the house and peek-a-boo. He loves to listen to music and dance, loves to nurse and eat, loves to be outside and loves his siblings. He is so content to sit and play solo - happiest, easiest babe on the block! 

Dislikes: Judah doesn't like getting his diaper changed and he doesn't like getting dressed. He doesn't like waiting for his food or when his food runs out. 

Things I want to remember: The way he snuggles my legs and his blankey when he's tired and ready for a nap. The way he lays his head on my shoulder when he sees his crib. The way he signs "nurse" as I put his jammies on in the evening. The way he lights up when he hears the bath running. The way he sucks and licks his bottom lip, constantly. The way he scrunches up his nose and squints his eyes and breathes heavily. His deep little belly laugh when you tickle the nape of his neck. His long, soft white blonde hair. The way he "talks", especially in his highchair. The way he squeals when Ezra chases him around the house. The big gap in his big top front teeth that you can only see in his biggest smiles. The way he walks his walker into a wall, gets stuck and whines until we turn him around, giving us the biggest smile. 

Thanks for being the very best, Judah. You are so handsome and so content and so sweet and so snuggly and so smart and so very many things that we love. You have made the best addition to our family. I cannot picture this house without you crawling around it and I cannot picture this family without you in my arms. We love you Judah Budah!