Sunday, February 12, 2012

today is the day


Forget date night. It's been more like date weekend 'round here. Despite Stephen's big Bio Chem test on Monday, he's spent plenty of time away from the computer and text books this weekend to hang out with the old ball and chain. And I have been so grateful :) Friday night he took me to see The Vow. For those of you wondering, it comes highly recommended by the two of us. "It was actually pretty good for a chick flick" were Stephen's exact words to his brother, I think. It was sweet and romantic and funny, causing us to be all giddy in love afterwards. Not that we usually aren't :) And fun fact? The movie was roughly based on a true story. Crazy! Can't imagine what I'd do if Stephen no longer remembered who I was... Sure does make you grateful for all the time we've been given with the ones we love most.


No, it's not quite spring around here. But I've sure been dressing like it. I'm sick of snow boots! Though the weather has been warming up... And even though I said in my last post that thirty-six degrees isn't warm... I might just be changing my mind. The fact that I can wear my TOMS and just one coat... I think I've finally adjusted to the Alaskan life. I understand now why Stephen was always wearing a t-shirt in the forty degree Oregon weather. I always thought he was just crazy... Which he is a little ;) The snow is starting to melt, though! So the spring clothes are slowly, but surely, making their way to the front of my closet!

As another study break and an opportunity to spend time with his wifey, Stephen took me to the public library on Saturday. An odd date, maybe, but perfect for the two of us. Even though our church is held in the library, we've never explored the place. And it was actually my momma who suggested I get a library card. True to my New Year's resolution, I've been reading a lot more! I have yet to pick up a newspaper, but since I started work I read the three books in the Hunger Games, then re-read them out loud to Stephen. I read Ender's Game, a recommendation from husband that was surprisingly good! And I just finished The Wedding by Nicholas Sparks, a quick, easy, romantic read. I also bought The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, but have yet to start it. And husband and I are still working our way through the Inheritance Series. Books, books, books! At the library I checked out a sign language book, something I've always wanted to learn, and the first book in The Series of Unfortunate Events. I read almost all the books when I was younger, started in elementary school, but Stephen's never read them and we thought it would be fun to start :) Maybe something we can read to our kids someday along with the Chronicles of Narnia!

After the library we found ourselves at Outback Steakhouse, a favorite of Stephen's. We split a juicy steak and garlic mashed potatoes (yum!) and headed home for more studying on Stephen's part and baking on mine. Granola. of course!

Means church, like always. Today the message was on being sent. For the past month Pastor Brent has been focusing on Acts 2:42-47, what it looks like to be owners of the church. To be captured by God's grace. Which is essentially, what we as Christians all are, owners of the church, captured by God's grace. Each week he's discussed a different topic with a corresponding scripture, like fellowship, humility, generosity, and this week, being sent. We are sent by love, to love. "As we turn our attention to the grace we have received, our thoughts and actions go to those who have yet to experience His grace." "Forgive the inexcusable in others because God forgave the inexcusable in you." "The enormity of God's forgiveness compels us to live sent."

I wish I could do the sermon justice, I however am pretty amateur at the grace stuff myself. But it was a compelling sermon, motivating me to fulfill my purpose of this life, which is God, Jesus... He is our purpose. It is by him we have been sent. (2 Corinthians 5:15-6:2) 

Brent ended the sermon by asking us to ask ourselves if we are truly captured by God's grace. Are you? Am I? If not, well... Today is the day. 

1 comment :

  1. If you like Nicholas Sparks, which I do....although sometimes his books are somewhat predictable, one of his books is my absolute favorite because its a little different than the others, it's called "A bend in the road" I recommend it, i loved it. Need to re read it in fact.

    Oh, and my husband also said concerning the vow "it was pretty good for a chick flick" haha...we enjoyed it as well :)
