We had a wonderful, long, quiet and relaxing Thanksgiving weekend together and have so much to be thankful for... Our incredible families, our growing baby boy, our wonderful marriage, amazing friends (Including the friends we got to share Thanksgiving with! To the Andersons and the Pepsnys, we cherish all our time spent in your wonderful company! Thank you for inviting us into your homes!), the opportunity of medical school, our perfect living situation, all our "things" that we don't need but have been so graciously blessed with... And our God who gave up his only son for us... Us...! Oh how we are ever so thankful! :)
And since? I've been glued to the couch watching Friends blowing my nose and coughing up a fit! Turns out, being sick while pregnant is no fun! I can't take anything for it, so it's dragging out... Hoping I'll be better for work on Monday (I've already had to call in sick twice!) and that I don't give it to Stephen (who has his first final this Friday!). I'd also like to start feeling better before the holidays! ..Just in time to travel to Alaska and Idaho! I put my two week notice in earlier this week and we fly out on the 12th, the day of Stephen's last final! First to Fairbanks for one week where we'll get to meet our, now, five day old nephew, James!, and then to Idaho to spend Christmas with my family! We're both looking forward to the time off of school and work, with each other and our families! With this trip planned, bringing in the new year, celebrating my birthday, and a trip to the beach set for the end of January, February and our baby boy will be here before we know it! :)
We took a little walk today under sun and through the wind... It was beautiful out! ^^ Still looks like fall out, even though I consider December 1st the start of winter! Can't get enough of those leaves and red trees! ...And that house! We walk past it all the time and I want to own it! (We refer to it as our house) Our walk ended at the store with fresh bread and pomegranates! Yumm! :)
Lucky to have Stephen here to love on me and make me feel better! Praying he stays strong in studying for his finals and is able to finish with a bang! :)
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