Thursday, April 26, 2012

one. more. week.

My friend told me I looked "so bohemian" today, and I decided to take it as a compliment. I was also told I looked like a rock climber. Whether or not that was a compliment I'm still deciding. Today was a busy day spent at work, missing my husband. I think I'm as equally excited for next Friday as he is. I just can't imagine what it will be like to have my husband back again... Oh, wait. I can. And it's wonderful :)

In my "woe is me" state yesterday, I forgot to mention that on Tuesday night I got to watch the bitter sweet end of WWAMI volleyball. All year Stephen and some of his classmates have been playing inter-mural volleyball. I used to watch Stephen play volleyball all the time in Oregon, so it was fun to see him playing again :) Plus, Mike was always rockin' some sexy outfit and I got to chit chat with the wives. They made it to the final four! ("Goooooooo WWAMERS!" said in Mike's incredibly loud deep voice) But the season came to an end... And team mom was there with celebratory Capri Suns! Though I wouldn't let them have one 'til they cooperated and took a photo! Who knew brainiacs were so difficult...

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