Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

Though every night is a mini date night for Stephen and I - in our living room, Uriah asleep, snuggled on the couch with a glass of chocolate milk, cookies, watching our latest tv show addiction, or curled up in bed reading Harry Potter together - actual dates nights are extra fun and very cherished. I am still enjoying Stephen's free weekends (as I know he is, too) and am taking full advantage of his time and these summer nights.
Gail came over to babysit (and bless her heart for putting up with Uriah's new found voice and scrrrreeeam) so Stephen and I could get out. Just a few blocks from our house is the Boise Little Theater and the sign out front has said 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' since we moved in. Stephen and I read the series together before we were married and thought biking to a play (of a story we love so much) was much more of a memorable date night than driving to the movies. The entire cast was 18 and under, and it was marvelous! It was short and sweet and had us smiling and laughing the whole time. We biked to the Co-op for some necessary dessert when it was over and finished our out of the ordinary date night as we finish every night - snuggled on the couch in our pjs with a sleeping babe eating ice cream by the pint. Our life may be a simple one, but we are blessed and I am happy.

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