Saturday, April 5, 2014

a sorta spring break

^^ A Florida sunset from 23 floors up ^^
^^ Those curls! It's official, we have to live somewhere with humidity ^^

^^ Showing off his muscles - boys will be boys! ^^
^^ Our Oscar selfie at an early morning breakfast outing in our jammies ^^

^^ Stephen's early birthday celebration! Carrot cake and all! ^^

Over all our travels this last month, we've learned that vacation with a toddler, isn't really a vacation. (Also, we have a toddler!?) Uriah didn't sleep a wink on our flights down to Alabama (or on our flights home!), his sleep schedule was all sorts of mixed up, and there is just no sitting still! So while we didn't come home feeling relaxed and rejuvenated, we came home with laugh lines and fun, busy memories, which, might be even better. 

It was sort of a whirlwind of a trip. We got in really late and left really early, traveling down to Florida in-between. I could have stayed on that white beach all day, I kid you not. The warmth and sunshine were more than welcome. Between the beach and the pool and games and dinner outings we stayed pretty busy our three days there. Our time in Alabama was spent playing, going for walks, shadowing uncle Lew in his clinic (well, for Stephen), chats in the kitchen, helping Catherine with homework and getting my butt kicked by their personal trainer (every, time!) I think my favorite moments of all were when we found ourselves all together, eating too many Thin Mints, laughing over operation room stories, taking turns chasing Uriah down the hall. There's something so wonderful about those moments that seem so simply and ordinary, until they're gone. We are so happy we had the time to travel down there and introduce them to Uriah and we are so grateful for their hospitality. Until next time...!

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