Monday, October 22, 2018

month eleven

Size: 22 solid pounds of perfection! Finally made it in to the doctor and finally ceased my worries over his weight. I have known this whole first year (almost!) that he's been healthy and growing and above average in size, but the fact that he was always smaller than Uriah and Ezra had been made me worry. I'm a mom, it's what I do ;) But, on the verge of one, and he's finally caught up to their weight! He is wearing size 4 diapers, 12 month clothes and size 4 shoes. 

Eat: Judah loves to eat and insists on doing so whenever mom is in the kitchen! He's sitting down for meals usually about 3 times a day, has 1-2 snacks and nurses 4-6 times. He's not a huge fan of greens - he's never liked broccoli and will only eat kale if it's mixed with a significant amount of fruit, which he loves! Banana, applesauce, all berries, peaches and pear are his favorites (never had orange, mango or melon - too acidic) He loves bread and noodles just as much as his momma + carrots, peas, zucchini, sweet potato, squash and spinach.  

Teeth: 8 teeth, 4 on top and 4 on bottom, and for the first time since March, no real signs of teething! 

Sleep: Judah is back to sleeping through the night - hallelujah! He goes down around 7, give or take a half hour, nurses around 6 in the morning and is up for the day about an hour later. He takes 2 naps a day and is so go with the flow when he needs to be woken up early or nap time needs to be pushed back. Third child problems for Judah but I'm so grateful for his flexibility!  

Milestones: Judah is WALKING! The big kids love helping him and encouraging him and I love the drunken toddler walk stage! It's so fun catching him walk around the house now! Attempting to climb on the furniture and in the bathtub and can tackle steps easy peasy (the going up, not the going down! yikes!) He signs "nurse", "more" and "all done". He waves, points, claps, gives high-fives, kisses and loves and shrugs his shoulders to say "where did it go?" He plays peek-a-boo, patty cake and catch with a ball. He babbles all day long but still only says "momma" and "dadda" (very rarely!)

Likes: Judah is such a happy babe, I feel like he likes everything...! He loves splashing in the water, rummaging through the Lego box, helping Ezra "build" with magna tiles and playing with the play food and toy cars. He loves his blankey, his binki, being outside and eating. He loves playing chase and peek-a-book, being in Uriah and Ezra's room with them (really, anything with them!) and flipping through his books. He loves Stephen and lights up when he comes home! His current favorite pastime is putting things in something, shrugging to ask "where did it go?!", and then pulling them out with surprise! He loves cords, doors and cabinets and rummaging through our bathroom cupboards.

Dislikes: Judah doesn't particularly like getting his diaper changed and getting dressed. So, really, he doesn't like laying down and being still ;) He also doesn't like being in his high chair with no food in front of him! 

Things I want to remember: The way he snuggles and head butts my legs and his blankey when he's tired and ready for a nap, moaning and all. The way he lays his head on my shoulder when he sees his crib. The way he lights up when he hears the bath running and all but jumps in to get to the water. The way he scrunches up his nose and squints his eyes and breathes heavily. His deep little belly laugh when you tickle the nape of his neck. His long, soft white blonde hair. The way he squeals when Ezra chases him around the house. The big gap in his big top front teeth that you can only see in his biggest smiles. The way he pumps his arms as he walks around the house. The way he blows bubbles with his mouth when he's bored. 

Judah Budah, our sweetest little babe. Thanks for being so content, so happy, so snuggly, so loving, so precious. You were such an obvious puzzle piece to this family. We love you so! 

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