Size: Judah is wearing 3-6 month clothes and we are working our way through our last box of size 2 diapers. He is 16.6 pounds, in the 66%ile for weight and is just shy of 27 inches long, in the 96%ile for height. I've had a hard time with Judah and his size, stupidly so, as he is above average and most importantly, healthy, but he is smaller than Uriah and Ezra were at this age and I grew to measure my success as a mom based on my children's weight - the only measurable aspect of motherhood, apparently. They were exclusively breastfed until they were 6 months old, so all 21 pounds of chub was thanks to me - it was somehow my accomplishment and I assumed (and hoped!) all my babies would be big 'ol rollie pollies. I love my Judah and thank the Lord for a healthy baby, but still, my "success" has been tested every time I squeeze and kiss and tickle those thighs.
Eat: Nursing like a champ and my supply seems to have finally leveled out. Fist bump! Still takes a bottle for Stephen and is starting to watch us eat our food with some interest.
Sleep: Judah has remained a great sleeper - such an angel baby! He goes down for bed around 8 and is up for the day between 6-7. We're trying to get him to sleep through the night un-swaddled and its taking a little fussing in the middle of the night but it's nothing a binki or an ear plug can't help ;) He takes three significant naps during the day with cat naps in the carrier or car seat. He's still in that sweet stage of sleeping just about anywhere and I try not to take advantage of the convenience - poor third baby gets woken up from naps quite often to be here or there because of brother or sister. He usually falls asleep nursing but we've been able to put him down awake, too, and he'll soothe himself to sleep in a matter of minutes.
Milestones: Homeboy is rolling! He sneaked it in just before turning 4 months old (March 1st) and rolled from his back to his belly. He's only done it another two times since, and never from his belly to his back, but he's always scooting himself and half rolling himself around on the floor. Still smiling and "talking" and laughing - he gives his smiles out to just about anybody but his giggles he saves for just a special few and he really makes you work for it. He's able to grab what he's looking at now and has found his toes (my favorite!)
Likes: Judah loves attention - being smiled at and talked to. He loves being worn in a wrap or carrier and snuggling (yes!) He loves bath time, his binki, his big brother, his blue ball and being outside. He is so content to hang out on his play mat, do tummy time or chill in the bumbo.
Dislikes: Literally, nothing comes to mind. He cries when he's hurt (i.e. Ezra steps on his head ...oops!) or is past the point of hungry - I have heard him cry, like really cry, five times since he was born. FIVE. This babe is Heaven sent for sure.
Things I want to remember: The boy smiles all. day. long. He smiles when he is woken up from a dead sleep, he smiles when he is getting his diaper changed, he smiled through his well-check shots...! He is always happy and I don''t ever want to forget how he smiles with his squinty eyes and shudders his whole body. The way he insists on gripping my fingers while nursing. Sleeping with his little fists up by his face - so cute. The way he looks at Uriah - he thinks he hung the moon. His softest fuzzy blonde hair that is still so blonde. His perfect soft skin, especially those cheeks - I could kiss them all day long. He is just such an absolute joy and has fit into our family and lives so seamlessly, as if he has always been a part of it. And of course, he has. We love you Judah Budah!
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