Oh, Ezra! Ezra...! What a JOY you are. No one can deny it - you're awesome. You are insanely beautiful, with that gorgeous blonde hair, sweet blue eyes and perfectly smooth soft cheeks, family, friends and strangers can't resist telling you or me just how damn cute you are. You are 50/50 girly girl and tomboy - you love any and all things pink, know your princesses and love to act the part and quite often request that we call you "Ezra Lee Wall the Princess", but not to worry, you can play Ninja Turtles (Donatello!) and superheros with the best of 'em! You love to paint, color and cut paper. You love to play "the train game" with daddy and Uriah has now stepped in on call nights taking over for dad and it is the sweetest to watch you two play it! You love horses and playing with your horse figurines and stuffed animals (Wind, and now Cotton, your pink stuffed pony from Uriah for your birthday). You are such a book worm, baby girl, and could read books for hours! It's amazing. I love to listen to you "read" as you flip through the pages. You love to dress up as a princess, the Flash (and run around the house "so fast") and an Ewok and you love to pretend to be different animals, always crawling around the house making noises. Currently, You love to build with Magna Tiles and ask first thing in the morning if I want to "pay maga tiles wif" you. You love bubble baths, collecting rocks, swinging at the park and riding your bike (you're a pro on your balance bike and will probably be ready for an upgrade this summer!) You are scared of loud noises and parking lots and you hate carrots (like, really hate carrots) You scream a lot and whine a lot, but you're still cute when you do it so it's hard to be too upset ;) Uriah is your best friend and the two of you love to pretend together, most often packing your bags for some adventure on a train (aka, your bed) I could listen to the two of you do this all day! You have stepped up to the plate as "big sister" just wonderfully and it makes me beam with pride. You have inherited all of Uriah's quirky mannerisms - your word choice and catch phrases and your body language when you tell a story. You are silly and happy and content and easy going and as always, JOYFUL. Always. Our baby girl.
What is your favorite color? "Pink!"
What is your favorite food? "Strawberries and pizza and banana and hmmm and eggs"
(eggs are not her favorite food but clearly, the girl likes to eat!)
What is your favorite game? "Uno and the animal Spot It"
(the girl can hold her own in a game of Spot It or a matching game - it impresses me every time!)
What is your favorite animal? "Spirit! and horses! and and lions and and and and and and uh deers and uh back riding! horses!"
("deers" was a surprising one, but really, she loves all animals!)
What is your favorite song? "The Little Mermaid song, Part of Their World. But it hurts right here so I can't sing it."
(she pointed to her finger when she said that. as soon as we ask her to do something she doesn't want to do she is either tired or in pain, ha! but that is her favorite song - she requests that I sing it to her before every nap and bedtime)
Who is your best friend? "Austin and Cecily'"
(sweet, sweet friends from church. Austin is 7 and treats her like a little sister and I'm holding out hope that 20 years from now he'll still be available ;) and while she does love these friends, Uriah should really be at the top of that list. they're inseparable most days!)
What is your favorite thing to do outside? "Play with Austin and jump on the trampoline at Paxton's house"
(the girl is smitten...! but it was an honest answer - two of her favorite things to do outside! I wouldn't have been surprised if she added any number of things - running in the courtyard, play at a park, hike, dig for bugs, go to the soccer field/sand pit... she loves being outside!)
What is your favorite holiday? "My birthday party and my birthday!" (do you have any other favorite holidays?) "Um I can't remember."
(I see we've taught her the important things... Ha! oops!)
Who is your favorite stuffed animal? "My dolphin and my new pink horse and Wind and my blankey"
(the dolphin was a gift from the Appel family, as she always gravitated to their stuffed dolphin, the pink pony Cotton was a birthday gift from Uriah (who knew all she'd been asking for was a pink horse!) and Wind a gift from my parents while they were here when Judah was born)
What do you want to be when you grow up? "Like Austin." (You wanna be like Austin?) "Yeah!" (What do you want to be for a job or a profession?) An Ewok!
(Well alrighty then!)
What is your favorite thing to do with daddy? "Run around and go to the store and go on a run and walk to Tootsies"
(not sure what store they have been to...? but their morning dates to Tootsies for a chocolate croissant and just as much a favorite of Stephen's as they are Ezra's!)
What is your favorite thing to do with mommy? "Run around" (But we don't run around!) "Go to the store, the cookie store!" (Starbucks?) "Yeah! That's fun"
What is your favorite thing to do with Uriah? "Run around in the courtyard"
What is your favorite movie? "The Little Mermaid!"
Who is your favorite superhero? "Uh let me think about that. Um, Batman"
Who is your favorite princess?: "The Little Mermaid!"
(can you tell she likes Ariel?!)
What is your favorite book? "Horsey books!"
(she requests that we get a new "horsey book" every time we go to the library. Aka, any book with pictures of horses in it.)
What is your favorite thing to play with? "Horses and Riah's unicorn"
What do you do really well? "No hitting people and kicking"
(I thought this answer was so sweet and not at all what I was expecting! I figured she'd say "paint" or "run" or anything that she does vs something she doesn't. While it was really sweet, it wasn't entirely truthful ;))
What do you like to learn about? 'Horses and zebras and and..." (all animals?) "Yeah animals"
What makes you happy? "Uh when I ride on a horse!" (Yeah? You've only done that once, though. What else makes you happy?) (Hey Ez, is it playing with me? (Uriah)) "Yeah playing with Riah!"
(slightly prompted, but still sweet and truthful)
What makes you sad? "The cloud sun" (the clouds?) "Yeah the cloud sun like not watching The Little Mermaid"(are you sad when you bonk your head? (Uriah)) "No. I'm tough. I'm sad when somebody choose Star Wars and I would want to watch The Little Mermaid"
(Haha! not entirely sure where she was going with that "cloud sun" thing but I loved her answer to this one!)
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I found the following in a draft blog post that I never got around to finishing, adding a picture to or posting. Aka, life happened. But six months late is better than never, right!?
Ezra Lee. Two years, six months and thirteen days.
I have avoided writing this post for months now, not simply because I became far too lazy at the end of my pregnancy, though that certainly played a major roll in the delay, but because I just didn't know what to say. How can I accurately describe Ezra at two and a half? How do I share all that she is with you? How do I capture her personality into words that will allow me to re-visit Ezra at this age over and over again? She is so truly special and unique, so stinking fun and sweet and so damn cute...! I just don't want to forget anything! And I don't want to fully acknowledge the passing of time and her getting older because I'm just not ready for her to be anything but two and a half and in this stage. It's a good one!
Ezra, you are such a firecracker in our lives. It took awhile for that sass and blatant disobedience to show through but not to worry baby girl, it's there ;) While you are potty trained (and took it like a champ!) you hate going to the bathroom, wait until the very last minute, and pitch a fit if we ask you to go before you're ready to. You refuse to eat your carrots, always!, and create a dinner time battle over something every night. You make noise like a baby goat (thanks to a video daddy sent from Africa this summer) when you don't want to talk to someone or do something you're being told to do (Honestly, it's incredibly annoying. You should stop that ;)) You run in the opposite direction when we ask you to come here, whine about everything (using that bottom lip of yours to your advantage!) and give us long blinks equivalent to an eye roll when we're talking to you about your behavior. You are going to be a force to reckon with kid, and I have no doubt you will give me a run for my money as you continue to grow older, but I can't wait to watch you grow into your personality and I pray that those spit fire traits of yours get you where you want in life.
Everyone agrees, you're so stinking cute! Friends, family and strangers are always telling me how cute you are - your little blonde pigtails, squinty blue eyes, chubby cheeks and thighs... You are definitely everyone's favorite! So far, it hasn't gone to your head ;)
You think Uriah hung the moon. And while you are slowing starting to resist all his ideas and shenanigans, you are more often than not completely willing and happy to go along with whatever he wants to do. You are constantly repeating him, though much to his disapproval, and I love to listen to your commentary three seconds behind his. You are always calling him your "sweet big brother" and looking at him with that close mouthed, squinty eyed smile of yours. He has no idea how lucky he is.
You are such a book worm, baby girl! I find piles of books around the house after you've dragged them to your newest spot to sit and read through them. You love reading out loud (and we all love to listen!) to an empty room or a stuffed animal or two. You "read" through each and every page, quite often some of the real words or general idea - you're constantly asking us to "pwease read dis to me" so you know most of your books by heart now! I hope your love of reading never fades!
You are very rarely just "Ezra". It used to be "Ezra Lee Wall the Princess" but now you always seem to be some different type of baby animal. Usually a snow leopard, crocodile or bear (And now that Halloween has come and gone, an Ewok!). And if you're not just pretending to be an animal (and requesting that we call you such!) you are dressed up in Uriah's old dragon Halloween costume (affectionately known as "Draggy") or crocodile sweatshirt (that you have named BB!) You and your brother both love to play pretend, pretending to be baby animals that lost their parents, now in my care. I love getting to watch the two of you play as I did when I was little. I was always a cougar kitty, though ;)
You are unbelievably content, a trait I am afraid, you did not get from me. You have been since you were a baby and as we were dealing with a potty training 2 year old Uriah during a move and a major schedule change for dad, your sweet and content demeanor was a saving grace. It still is today. You are so happy to sit and play on your own while I clean or do school with your brother. Your attention span for activities is longer than most of your age. You are quiet and easy going at friends' houses and so compliant to our plans. You are very rarely demanding.
^ The post ended there and re-reading it six months later I'm not sure where I was going next so we'll just leave it at that and call it good. She was (is!) a true treasure and I don't ever want to forget it.
Friday, March 23, 2018
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
month four
Size: Judah is wearing 3-6 month clothes and we are working our way through our last box of size 2 diapers. He is 16.6 pounds, in the 66%ile for weight and is just shy of 27 inches long, in the 96%ile for height. I've had a hard time with Judah and his size, stupidly so, as he is above average and most importantly, healthy, but he is smaller than Uriah and Ezra were at this age and I grew to measure my success as a mom based on my children's weight - the only measurable aspect of motherhood, apparently. They were exclusively breastfed until they were 6 months old, so all 21 pounds of chub was thanks to me - it was somehow my accomplishment and I assumed (and hoped!) all my babies would be big 'ol rollie pollies. I love my Judah and thank the Lord for a healthy baby, but still, my "success" has been tested every time I squeeze and kiss and tickle those thighs.
Eat: Nursing like a champ and my supply seems to have finally leveled out. Fist bump! Still takes a bottle for Stephen and is starting to watch us eat our food with some interest.
Sleep: Judah has remained a great sleeper - such an angel baby! He goes down for bed around 8 and is up for the day between 6-7. We're trying to get him to sleep through the night un-swaddled and its taking a little fussing in the middle of the night but it's nothing a binki or an ear plug can't help ;) He takes three significant naps during the day with cat naps in the carrier or car seat. He's still in that sweet stage of sleeping just about anywhere and I try not to take advantage of the convenience - poor third baby gets woken up from naps quite often to be here or there because of brother or sister. He usually falls asleep nursing but we've been able to put him down awake, too, and he'll soothe himself to sleep in a matter of minutes.
Milestones: Homeboy is rolling! He sneaked it in just before turning 4 months old (March 1st) and rolled from his back to his belly. He's only done it another two times since, and never from his belly to his back, but he's always scooting himself and half rolling himself around on the floor. Still smiling and "talking" and laughing - he gives his smiles out to just about anybody but his giggles he saves for just a special few and he really makes you work for it. He's able to grab what he's looking at now and has found his toes (my favorite!)
Likes: Judah loves attention - being smiled at and talked to. He loves being worn in a wrap or carrier and snuggling (yes!) He loves bath time, his binki, his big brother, his blue ball and being outside. He is so content to hang out on his play mat, do tummy time or chill in the bumbo.
Dislikes: Literally, nothing comes to mind. He cries when he's hurt (i.e. Ezra steps on his head ...oops!) or is past the point of hungry - I have heard him cry, like really cry, five times since he was born. FIVE. This babe is Heaven sent for sure.
Things I want to remember: The boy smiles all. day. long. He smiles when he is woken up from a dead sleep, he smiles when he is getting his diaper changed, he smiled through his well-check shots...! He is always happy and I don''t ever want to forget how he smiles with his squinty eyes and shudders his whole body. The way he insists on gripping my fingers while nursing. Sleeping with his little fists up by his face - so cute. The way he looks at Uriah - he thinks he hung the moon. His softest fuzzy blonde hair that is still so blonde. His perfect soft skin, especially those cheeks - I could kiss them all day long. He is just such an absolute joy and has fit into our family and lives so seamlessly, as if he has always been a part of it. And of course, he has. We love you Judah Budah!
Monday, March 12, 2018
The one with the Superbowl
Three years running we have spent Superbowl Sunday at the beach. Yet again, it did not disappoint! Though it was more crowded than years past, the weather was pulling out all the stops and it made for a great post church day, dinner at Tres Amigos included ;) Mostly grateful that my parents circled back in their traveling to visit again. Judah had changed so much since they last saw him at two weeks old, I just don't think they could resist his sweet smiling FaceTime calls any longer! And I don't blame them ;)
Sunday, March 11, 2018
^^ Evening walks to the soccer field are just as much Judah approved as they are Uriah and Ezra approved! ^^
^^ To celebrate Uriah's birthday, he had his first sleepover with his friend Paxton. Gosh, they were so cute! They made their own pizzas, played Star Wars, read books and watched Ice Age. Ezra was feeling a little left out of all the fun (they weren't leaving her out intentionally but I also wanted them to have their "boy time") so daddy swooped in and painted her nails. It was a win, win evening for everyone! ^^
^^ Tummy time! ^^
^^ A Saturday at Foothills Park hiking, picnic-ing and hide-and-go-seek on the island! Soaking up all our time with Stephen during his last weekend off before starting wards ^^
^^ Happy, happy baby! Always! Pay no mind that he was supposed to be napping... ^^
^^ A hike through the Redwoods while Nana and Papa were around for a few days! That little ballerina insisted on wearing her tutu on our hike... Just as much as she insisted on finding, holding and kissing banana slugs... She's the best! ^^
^^ We took advantage of our temporary live-in babysitters and went on a geocaching date around campus! We packed a bottle of wine and some brownies and a blanket and snuggled up on a bench after walking all over campus geocaching in the dark. It was out of our norm and such a great night! ^^
^^ Go Cougs! ^^
^^ A few weeks in to this "no nap" thing and I find him like this on the couch after I get out of the shower. I love watching my babies sleep! ^^
^^ Momma's little helpers! One helping me make dinner, one feeding the other! ^^
^^ I have THREE babies! And they are the BEST! ^^
^^ Morning hike on Stephen's call day - time flies when you're having fun as Uriah has learned to say! ^^
^^ Saturday at the beach with friends! ...in February! So lucky to live in such a beautiful place with friends who, when you say "hey! wanna go to the beach?!" say, "yes!" ^^
^^ We'll call this a homeschool hike ;) ^^
^^ This girl is horse obsessed! I genuinely think she's expecting to get one for her birthday... oops! ^^
^^ Uriah made Ezra two Valentine's Day cards and after he watched daddy bring home flowers for momma he said to me, "I didn't know I was supposed to get Ezra flowers so can I cut one of yours from the porch to give to her?" I couldn't say no to that! He is so sweet to her! ^^
^^ We had Bible study on Valentine's Day and Uriah thought "it would be so nice and surprising" to bring all the momma's a flower. I mean, come on...! We got ready early so we could have time to make a stop for some fresh Gerber Daisies and these two walked in handing them out melting allll the hearts! ^^
^^ Another hike and nature study but this time, with dad! We all agreed it was better with him ;) ^^
^^ Oh just Judah being his usual happiest self. I snapped that bottom one as he was waking up. ...Waking up! I kid you not, he wakes up smiling after not eating for 10 hours. He's a saint ^^
^^ "Let's take a picture for dad!" ^^
^^ Handsome boy in his "big boy" bed that he wont' sleep in ;) ^^
^^ Ezra drew her first person! A self portrait no less :) She was feeling very proud, as was I! ^^
^^ We decided to skip naps and head to the top of Hoover Tower on one of Stephen's days off. The kids loved it and we can officially check it off our Palo Alto to-do list! ^^
^^ Play date with the favorite Quick boys! (and Emerson!) Found these two like this and thought it was so cute! ^^
^^ Sleeping angel ^^
^^ Found him in his bed "reading" his Bible. What an inspiration! ^^
^^ More pictures of Judah to finish off the month! Really, what my camera roll looks like the majority of the time ;) ^^