Tuesday, February 6, 2018

month three

Size: Judah is wearing size 2 diapers, surprisingly just so!, and is wearing mostly 0-3 clothes but transitioning into size 3-6. He's not as round as my others were but he is taking after his daddy and is long.

Eat: Nursing like a champ and takes a bottle! Breast milk, not formula, but neither of my others ever took a bottle so it feels like a little victory! I've been able to leave him with Stephen and enjoy a birthday celebration with friends and with my mom and friend Nicki to enjoy a couple date nights without our little sidekick. It's taken us a while to get into a nursing groove - my supply seems to takes a dive every couple weeks and I have to pump to get it back up - a little three day struggle we cycle through every time. I haven't quite figured out why, yet, but he's gaining weight and moving up the growth charts so I try not to worry. 

Sleep: Still our rockstar sleeper and sleeping through the night. We're slowly trying to transition him from his rock and play to his crib, but it's been a slow process. He usually wakes up once or twice in his crib and doesn't need to be nursed back to sleep, but it still means me getting up to give him his binki or snuggle him for a bit and after a few nights I just want sleep so we go back to the rock and play until I get brave enough to try the crib again ;) He's pretty consistently taking three good long naps a day with some cat naps thrown in there. Honestly, I'm not too worried about getting him on a set schedule just yet. He's so good about sleeping on the go - in the car or the carrier, my arms or his bed, even the playmat on the living room floor...! - that I'm just trying to take advantage of this "sleep everywhere" stage. I think I've only got another month or so of it left! 

Milestones: Smiling and "talking" all the time! He has almost rolled over (back to front) but gets stuck on his shoulder every time. Soon! He has giggled a few times but it seems to almost catch him off guard, that the laughing is coming from him, and he stops, so it hasn't been a good consistent laugh yet but we're close! And I can't wait! He's significantly more aware of his hands and can intentionally grab his toys, though it admittedly still takes a lot of effort and attempts. And, as you can tell in these pictures, he's found his tongue! The kids think it's hilarious ;) 

Likes: Judah Budah, as he is affectionately called in this house, loves attention! He is such a happy, smiley, content baby - he loves having people up in his face smiling and talking to him. He loves being outside, in the carrier, taking a bath, his rock and play, his binki, his big brother, his changing pad and tummy time! 

Dislikes: He would rather be held vertical than horizontal, gets frustrated when he gets stuck rolling over aannndd that's all I got. You guys, world's happiest baby. 

Things I want to remember: His fuzzy blonde hair. His big, gummy smile - he is always smiling! His constant clenched fists. His ridiculously awful smelling toots. His turtle face when waking up. How he looks like baby Uriah when he purses his lips and kicks his legs. He is just so dang sweet and so dang happy and brings so much JOY into our lives. He is the absolute perfect addition to our family and we are so grateful God has entrusted us with raising this sweet boy. 

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