My husband just left to go study with a friend
(Anatomy test on Monday! Keep him in your prayers, please!)
and I am already missing him terribly.
He's a good one, that Stephen :)
Long lost photo we just found from when we were dating! |
Our traveling continued into Oregon,
quite possibly my favorite state.
Once we arrived in Portland,
we sent Stephen off to spend his last day with his friends.
(His best friends from the fraternity are living together in Portland. Mini frat party?)
And as my parents heading to the coast with my grandparents,
I got to meet up with these lovely two ladies.
(Shout out to Melissa who actually reads my blog!... ERICA!)
Erica's family was in town and they invited Melissa and I
to join on the dinner outing.
A very entertaining one at that :)
On Sunday the three of us headed down to
Corvallis to stay at their humble abode!
These two hooligans had school on Monday!
(Certainly don't miss that!)
So I got to spend the next few days cuddling with them in their beds, catching up with them and all the Kappa ladies, teaching Madison how to eat a pomegranate, helping the Winder family move into their new home, going to Greekside, eating lots of yummy treats, and basking in Erica and Melissa's eminent joy and charisma :)
At Yogurt favorite! |
You were right Madison! Your picture IS on the blog! :) |
Though it ended with a sad goodbye,
I was so happy for the opportunity to spend a few days with them!
Melissa and Erica are both so beautiful, smart, kind, loving, FUN...
(I could go on!)
I am so lucky to have them in my life!
Thank you for letting me eat your food,
use your shampoo,
and sleep in your bed!
I love you both!
My parents picked me up on Wednesday and we headed for the coast!
(My very favorite place!)
The Oregon coast holds a lot of meaning to my family.
Not only did we go there once a year ever since...I was born?
(It sorta became my second home over the years. My mom was hooked from the first time she visited when she was younger, and I guess that love runs in my blood, too. As I got older, my mom and I went to the beach a few times, just the two of us. Though I love my dad and Ashley, those might have been my favorite trips :) )
but the summer after my 8th grade year
we made a trip to the coast to spread
my Nana and Papa's ashes into the ocean.
And this year!
We got to spread my dogs ashes into the ocean!
A little corny, maybe.
But I grew up with those dogs.
Two Great Pyrenees.
Ani and Storm
They were the best dogs...EVER!
And the reason I want big dogs!
So cuddly and loving and sweet...
And a little bitter sweet it was...
And then my mom got attacked by a wave :)
So basically,
we did some of this...
A little bit of this...
Of course some of this...
And a heck of a lot of this...
I had a blast with my parents!
As we usually do together!
It meant a lot to get to spend some
time with them at the coast.
I hope they know how much fun I had,
how grateful I am,
and how much I love them!
And then!
I got to come home to Alaska.
Where a clean house and
a happy husband were awaiting my arrival :)
I hate that it takes writing a blog post
for me to see how blessed I truly am.
Probably why I always end my posts with a 'thank you'...
This life may be short, but it is beautiful
and I'm so happy
I have such an incredible family
to share it with.
And such good friends, too!
They say love doesn't make the world go round,
but it makes the ride worth while.
Well, let me tell 'ya!
I am on one hell of a ride!